Friday, May 13, 2011

Serve Elyria and Surrender

Serve Elyira is one week away, and I'm getting excited.  A lot of people tell me they are coming.  I never can tell what the turnout will be like, but I'm praying for over 1,000 volunteers.  We are going to need about that many to cover the projects we have set up in Elyria.

These past few weeks have been full of conversations about projects, volunteer requirements and materials.  It seems like every day a new need for materials comes up.  What makes it all so exciting is that every time we commit to a project or get someone to donate materials I remember that we have to have volunteers.  It hit me recently that I really can't know for sure how many people are coming.  I can estimate and encourage people to sign up.  I can even call up friends and remind them, but I won't know how many are coming until we all arrive at Ely Square on May 21st at 8:30am (Yes, I just slipped in a reminder about when you need to be there.).  I also have friends reminding me that there is a 30% chance of rain that day.  Every time someone mentions weather, I ask them to pray.  Pray for conducive weather.

Do you know what I'm learning from all of these things?  I am learning that I am not in control of Serve Elyria.  Yes, I'm planning it.  Yes, I've worked hard to delegate to leaders and get volunteers.  But, there are a myriad of things out of my control that could completely change the plans I have in place.  I am not in control.  I have stepped into that frightening and yet exciting realm where I am simultaneously obeying and relying on God.  This is surrender.  This is adventure, and I love it!

You might be waiting on something to look safe or planned before you step.  I talk to a lot of people who are waiting until they have enough money to pay for college before they enroll or are waiting until they have their debt paid off before they tithe.  We want to wait for safety before surrender, and it never comes.

If you want a guarantee that you will not get your heart broken before you ask the girl of your dreams out, then you will never see her fall in love with you.  If you wait until you have your life in order before you surrender to God's call, you will waste your life.  And, (shameless plug coming) if you are waiting to see if something else comes up before you sign up for Serve Elyria, then you will miss out on the opportunity to lead your city as a servant (Mark 10:35-45).

I can't control the weather or how many people will be there May 21st, but I can tell you that God does Great things when His people serve.  I hope to see you (and 999 other people) in Ely Square May 21st.
Pray for great weather to serve and for 1,000 volunteers!

So, are you coming? Sign up here.

1 comment:

  1. We are only 2 but we'll be there to deliver Gardens. Bob and Pat
