Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Salvations

Something amazing happened at Open Door on Easter Sunday: 34 people surrendered their lives to Christ! You could tell something was happening. There was a buzz in the air and the church was packed. It was as if a great momentum was building as people kept raising their hands to respond to the draw of the Holy Spirit. It’s even bigger than you think. We have had people coming to Christ every week for the last six weeks. Something is happening!

What we are experiencing is no accident. We have been doing some very specific things lately that we need to keep doing. I believe revival is starting, and I want to see more of it. Here’s how:

Keep praying. About 6 months ago, we took the names of almost 3,000 pre-Christians connected to our congregation. We have been praying over those names in weekly prayer meetings, 24 Hour Prayer Vigils and Life Groups.

Keep inviting people to Life Groups. Many of the people who have come to Christ these last few weeks have done so in Life Groups or at church after being invited by a Life Group. Life Groups are our most-effective evangelism environments.

Keep doing the 5Bs. If you don’t know what this is, pay attention to what is happening in May at Open Door.

Keep serving. The more people that come to Christ, the more help we need making room for new believers. Our Children’s Ministry is full of children. We need more volunteers to oversee them. We are adding people to Life Groups so fast that we really need to be planting at least one new group every 2 months. That means new leaders need to step up to volunteer. There are dozens of other ministry needs for hosts, tech team volunteers and teachers.

By the way, some of you remember a sermon I preached on Acts 1:6-14 about how pre-revival prayer is always Unified, Purposeful and Continual. In the sermon, I mentioned some characteristics of revival:
The Holy Spirit shows up
The gospel is preached
People repent

All three happened Sunday. So, is this revival?

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